One day, three friends got together and complained.

“Companies talk a lot about diversity, but they don’t walk the talk,” the first friend said. “How many more job/industry horror stories do we have to hear from other people of color before something changes?” the second friend sighed. The third friend quipped, “I wish there were a place that listed companies that are good for people of color to work at. I hate that all of our friends have had such terrible experiences.”

We are those three friends: Amélie Lamont, Catt Small and Jacky Alciné. Turning frustration into action, we bought some domains and created Good for PoC.

Summary of Results

The list of companies will grow over time as we get more submissions, but there were many similarities between the almost 60 responses we received before launch. This infographic (PDF) includes a summary of data as well as information about the common qualities amongst companies that are good for people of color.


Good for PoC has been mentioned in the following media outlets:

Good for PoC Press

About the Creators

Amélie Lamont

Amélie Lamont

Amélie is a New York City-based product designer, writer and creative. When she’s not designing, you can find her dancing, doing yoga, or reading comics.

Catt Small

Catt Small

Catt is a Product Designer, game maker, and developer who enjoys creating interactive experiences and teaching people to code.

Jacky Alciné

Jacky Alciné

Jacky is developer originally from Brooklyn, NY, living in Oakland, CA. He is learning more about the world and works to help make it way more secure for the people who live in it.